How many types of the athletics running track surfacing ?
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- Dec 24,2021
How many types of the athletics running track surfacing ?Tartan All Weather Rubberised Athletics Flooring | Full EPDM Surface | Sandwich System | Structural Spray Polymeric

According to the structure of Athletics Running Track Surfacing, it can be divided into: PU Track surfaces, fully plastic runway and prefabricated Athletics Track. There are three different types of the PU track surfaces,Structural Spray Polymeric,Full EPDM Surface and Sandwich System.

Full EPDM Surface
It is made of rubber particles mixed with one-component polyurethane glue and then cast and pressed. After the elastic layer particle glue is solidified, the spray surface EPDM particles and the runway topcoat are mixed evenly in a certain ratio and then uniformed by a spraying machine Made by spraying. Since there are different types of rubber particles, such as EPDM, polyurethane particles, floral rubber, wood-colored particles, etc., the cost of different particles is also quite different. The base layer is a combination of single-component glue and elastic rubber particles, and the surface layer is composed of runway spray paint and EPDM rubber particles.
Advantages: Good filterability, no stagnant water after rain, and low construction difficulty. Economical, cheap, easy to maintain and manage.
Disadvantages: Not suitable for alpine ice and snow areas. It does not meet the standards of professional competitions and cannot be used as an arena.

Sandwich System athletics Rubber Surfacing

Structural Spray Polymeric
Disadvantages: The cost is relatively high for the air-permeable type, the self-cleaning property is poor, and the requirements for the basic groundwater pattern are high.

The characteristics, construction technology, technical parameters and acceptance methods of the all-plastic runway are exactly the same as those of the Structural Spray Polymeric. The difference is that no more than 25% of black rubber particles are added to the elastic layer of the Structural Spray Polymeric, while the all-plastic runway No black rubber particles are added to it, pure PU slurry is used for pouring, also known as pure rubber type, used in tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, and badminton courts.

The prefabricated running track has an other name,Tartan All Weather Rubberised Athletics Flooring.It is different from the first three types of on-site pouring. The prefabricated running track is a athletic track with a flat structure. It contains a friction surface layer, a shock-absorbing bottom layer, and an adhesive layer arranged between the shock-absorbing bottom layer and the foundation. Its shock-absorbing bottom layer is a solid, flat-structured plate, which can completely bond the shock-absorbing bottom layer and the foundation, and the bonding surface is 100%. Therefore, in addition to the functions of the traditional prefabricated plastic track, it can also prevent the volatile components enclosed in the shock-absorbing layer. It can effectively prevent bulging and delamination during use. In this way, the maintenance of the prefabricated running track can be reduced, and the service life will be longer. The material has been pressed into coils at the factory, and can be cut, spliced, and pasted according to the size on site. Since the prefabricated track is a finished coil, the thickness cannot be changed again, so the flatness of the ground foundation is extremely high, otherwise it will As a result, the paved runway has certain irregularities. The product is a three-dimensional net-like internal structure. The athletic track has excellent elasticity, strength, toughness and shock absorption effect, which effectively reduces athletes' injuries. The product is composed of the upper and lower layers of the concave-convex pattern. Because the prefabricated runway is pressed by a machine, its thickness and other performance parameters are relatively stable, but the cost is also the most expensive among several runways. It is generally used in professional competitions, such as Olympic track and field competitions.