Location of the Sports Facility
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- Aug 26,2022
Location of the Sports Facility

Location of the Sports Facility
Upon the availability of adequately large areas of land. It is precisely these relatively large spaces required for sports facilities which make the choice of location considerably more difficult in view of the overall shortage of available land in areas with high population densities. An early development of aims within the framework of area and regional planning and early securing of suitable space is therefore necessary Only in this way will it be possible to supply sports facilities which both meet demand and are suitably located.

The size of the land shall be at least twice as large andif possible, three times as large as the required net sports area in order to be able to accommodate suitably landscaped areas between the sports spaces.
Prerequisites for economic construction, operating and maintenance costs are adeauate load-bearina soil conditions with maximum possible permeability and a topography which is as level as possible because of the need for large horizontal areas for sport.
A favourable microclimate free of troublesome wind, fog and temperature extremes is particularly important for the optimal use of outdoor facilities for sports.

The environmental conditions. which are of special importance for outdoor sports facilities, shall be balanced to ensure either that no troublesome smells, noises. vibrations or dust nuisances will occur or that measures of protection can be implemented to prevent them. The impairment to,or destruction of, natural or typical elements of the landscape(including biotypes) must be precluded or suitable measures must be implemented to compensate for this.
An adequate and economically justifiable transport network,including necessary parking spaces, must be feasible. Consideration must be given to the parking requirements of both private and public transport and sufficient spaces should be allocated to each.
The extent of the provision of public transport(e.g. busestrains) will determine the area needed for parking for private vehicles
In addition to parking spaces for VIPs,press,athletes, competition officials auxiliary personnel and attendants, there should be one car parking space,approx.25㎡) for every four spectator spaces or in the case of an optimapubic transpor network, 25 spectator spaces and one bus park(approx.50㎡for every 500 spectaton spaces.)