Demand for Sports Facilities
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- Oct 19,2022
Demand for Sports Facilities general

Demand for Sports Facilities
The individual’s sporting activities depend on ageprofessionfinancial situation and the local opportunities for sporting activity.The sporting activities of the population as a whoe are thus dependent on the oraanisation structuresschoosports. sports for all, competitive sports and leisure sports)and on access to the relevant sports facilities.
The degree of utilisation capacity of a sports facility depends on:
- The time available for use in hours per week in terms of the effects of the
weather and periods of maintenance
- The time of day and day of the week of possible utilisation in relation to the
user's age and profession
- The design of the sports facility with respect to varied sports use and the
simultaneous practice of different sports
- The organisation of sports activities with respect to the persons supervising
the sportspeople and sports facillities
The demand for sports facilities is derived from the balance of sporting activities of the population and for physical education on the one hand and the utilisation capacity of the existina sports facilities on the other. Demand does not have to be me alone in the form of additional sports facilities at newlocations.It can also be covered by reconstructions, further developments,extensions,reallocation of use or intensification of use.This requires intensive checking and assessment of the existing sports facilities and their degree of utilisation as well as an investigation of the existing and future requirements for sports of the population.Here it is important not to forget that the respective sporting activities of the population are also subject to the publicity appeal of the local or regional sports federations and that the housing development structure with its population density may reduce or increase the demand on account of problems of distance (distance between home and sports facility)necessarily associated with this.
Track and Field athletics are counted among the basic disciplines of most sport and, in addition to spaces for ball qames, constitute an obvious component of the sports facility structure. Facilities for running, jumping and throwing therefore are necessary on every sports ground of basic supply and on every school sports facility However, the demand for them, subject to the utilisation structure and to the frequency of use, differs from country to country
It is recognised that communities’ health is improved by healthy exercise either in organised sport or individual physical activity.Running,jumping and throwing are natural activities for all people but particularly for younger people who have to develop their locomotion skills as well as hand and ee coordination.
Track and Field facilities are usually designed as multi-purpose facilities (tracks with playing fields inside). They may be used for sports other than Track and Field events (See 1.2) and therefore constitute key sports facilities.
They should be located in areas with a larger population density and serviced by an effective transport network.
A business plan should be developed in order to justify fully the construction of new sports facilities or improvement of existing facilities. The plan will be an important document for seeking funding.
The business plan might include the followingcomponents:
-A needs analysis identifying potential users from clubs, schools and higher education institutions etc. for Track and Field competition, and training with usage patterns and times of usage as well as for other sports users.
-A commitment to sustainable building design that recognises the need for reducina carbon emissions and more eficient use ofresources
-A sustainability plan which addresses energy and resource conservation in design and construction in line with the World Athletics Green Project
- An operational plan that identifies the type of management structure that will be responsible for the day to day operation and maintenance of the facility, The manager could be a single club,a multiple user management committee or an externa manaaement authority such as a municipa. state or nationa body
- Costing based on an outline brief would include:
-Civil engineering work including the synthetic surface -Building costs
-Athletics equipment
-Operation and maintenance costs on a life cycle basis
-A funding analysis identifying possible capital sports funding sources such as federal. state and/or municipal authorities, philanthropic trusts, and private donations that may attract taxation concessions.Projected use charges will determine whether the cost of operation and maintenance can be funded by users or whether supplementary funding will be required from anexterna source.
It would be appropriate to have the business plan prepared by a consultant who would interview allthe potential stakeholders.